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There’s a quote I see every so often that says “Leaders are readers”, personally I don’t know how true that is because I know plenty of amazing leaders who don’t like reading. I do know that leaders are learners. I’m here to not only help you create stand-out loud marketing materials and branding visuals but to also help you be the best leader you can possibly be. This is why I figured I’d take a break from all things branding and marketing today and share 5 of my favorite business books with you!  I picked ones that also come as audiobooks too for those who like to listen to their books!

What Color is Your Parachute by Richard N. Bolles

This book was one I read when I was considering whether I wanted to pursue owning a business or not and what career I might be best suited for if I wasn’t an entrepreneur/business owner. There is a new updated version every year or every other year. It gives you an idea of what career you would be best suited for and is full of practical advice. There are also teen, college-age, and retirement age versions as well.

Underdog Advantage by Dean Graziosi

I won this one in a prize drawing for a seminar I was attending in early 2020. After reading it the first time, it quickly became a favorite. It’s easy to read and has some great tips from a leading entrepreneur with multiple businesses about how to succeed by thinking like the “little guy” in business.

You Can Negotiate Anything by Herb Cohen

It’s been updated recently, but I have an old copy from the friends of the library bookshop. Learning to negotiate well is priceless in business. This book has great tips on how to become a master negotiator, which also comes in useful for pitching your business too.

Creative, Inc.: The Ultimate Guide to Running a Successful Freelance Business by Meg Mateo Illasco and Joy Deandeelert Cho

One of the very first freelancer books I got early in my career that I find myself coming back to again and again. It’s got an easy-to-read format and gives good advice on the dos and don’ts of being a freelancer.

The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World by Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D.

I re-read this one over and over too. This one isn’t exactly a business book, but I really like it so I’m including it anyway. It’s a pretty comprehensive guide of tips and tricks to help those who are introverts be successful in work and life.

If you’re interested in reading one, these books are all available online or you can call your local independent booksellers to get a copy. You might even find them at your local library saving you time and money! Happy reading!

You heard some of my favorite books, but I want to hear from you! Head on over to my Facebook page and let me know what business book is your favorite!