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Celebrations can be a fun time filled with lots of family, food, gifts and with gifts usually come cards! Ever have that moment standing in the card aisle trying to pick one…me too. I got frustrated and since I can draw- I started making my own. This led to me to discover that people love handmade cards and here are 5 great reasons why!


1-    They mark an occasion: A lot of people dislike birthdays and holidays because they don’t want to feel like they are getting older or they don’t like the “drama” and stress of a family get together. However, it’s important to mark special occasions with at least a card so it will be remembered.


2-    Your loved one will feel special: Getting a handmade or custom designed card is an amazing feeling. It means that someone was thinking about YOU. They saw something that they thought would express their feelings appropriately and would be something you would enjoy!!


3-    They are unique:  They aren’t commercially available in huge quantities making them interesting and different than the ones you find in the large chain retailers. They are an expression of personality-not just the artists but yours too. A side bonus is that because they aren’t sold in major retailers they can be a little more risqué.  Although, the cards I design are family friendly.


4-    They allow you to connect with your loved ones: My favorite story is the woman I met at a craft show who wanted to wish her cousin Happy Birthday, even though her cousin lived in Sweden! It’s the true meaning of “Send Love. Send Cards. “  It reminds your friends & family that you love them are thinking about them. It may even prompt a note over email or social media or even a phone call. People appreciate when you remember and appreciate them. They want to celebrate or mourn with you and a card is a great way to do that. Even though it’s written, it’s still personal.


5-    You support someone’s dream: Buying handmade means you are supporting an artisan’s dream of self-sufficiency by selling their crafts and art.  There is no greater feeling than seeing someone love my art as much as I do. I spent a long time wondering if I was even talented. When someone buys my notecards, I am grateful, I feel honored and blessed that they chose my artwork to give to their family and I know a lot of other crafters and artisans who feel the same way.


So, with that…I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this whole blog post. Now, who is coming to the next craft show? Send Love. Send Cards. Purple Rose Graphics.