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In Defense of Business Cards

In Defense of Business Cards

In Defense of Business Cards I have piles of business cards all over my office. I get new ones at every meeting I attend. When I hand someone my business card, I often hear “I don’t bother with business cards” which is followed by an admission that they prefer to use...
Product Highlight: Brochures and Rack Cards

Product Highlight: Brochures and Rack Cards

I’ve had a wave of calls recently asking me about brochures and their lesser-known cousin, the rack card. As a graphic designer in Orange County California, I do all kinds of brochures and I’ve started doing a lot of rack cards. Because I’ve been asked about them so...

Fonts & Typefaces & Letters, Oh My!

 You’ve been staring at them since you first learned your alphabet. Letters! These little guys carry a big responsibility in your design. They are the main tools to convey your message from the sender (you) to the receiver (your clients). Part of what graphic design...

Five Things to Do with a Card Beside Sending It

Five Things to Do with a Card Beside Sending It If you love stationery like I do then you probably see cute cards everywhere you go. Maybe you even have a big “stash” of them that you just aren’t sure what to do with and can’t think of who to send it to. Well, I’m...