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Why A Good Customer Experience Helps Strengthen Your Brand

Branding is all about expressing a company’s reputation. One of the ways to really create a good name for yourself is to have a good customer experience. I’m not just talking about good customer service (although that’s important too) I’m talking about taking the customer on a transformational ride through your process from inquiry to receipt.

Having a good customer experience is all about the details. It’s the way every single piece of your process works from first phone call to final receipt. Most of us when we first start our businesses, myself included, don’t put a lot of thought into how what we do will feel for the customer. Having a great experience though is a great way to build up a good reputation for yourself.

A good solid customer experience whether online or in-person or a mix of the two has the power to create solid loyalty for your brand and boost your sales numbers.

Each business is different and each industry is different, so the experience needs to be tailored to your business and at the very least to your industry standard. This can mean having a good mix of automated service and human interaction. We might live in a digital age, but people still really like to do business with other people. It might also mean making sure the customer’s problem is solved and they are satisfied with the solution.

There are a few things you can do to figure out if your customer experience is good. One way is to collect data from existing customers. Collecting feedback is important for a business to do. It shows you what is working and what needs to be fixed, sometimes the feedback will even show you what your clients want that fix to be. Don’t be shy to end every transaction with a survey and then really study the information you collect! Another way to figure out if you have a good customer experience is to “play customer” with your business. Put yourself in the customer’s position and go through the entire process from start to finish to figure out if anything needs to be fixed. Remember what annoys you as a customer will also annoy your customers as the service provider.

No matter what system you use or how you refine. The most important thing is to make things as easy as possible for your customers to do. People love easy and are more likely to work with and go through a process that is easy for them versus one that they have to put out a lot of effort.

The more they love working with you, the more likely they are to keep coming back and that helps you build a good reputation so your brand can thrive!

By the way, If you’re ready to invest in your business’s branding and give it a new look, I can help you! What I do is help small businesses create marketing materials and logos that help them get leads and grow their business either through my done for you design service or my design consulting service. Either way, your designs not only look better, but they will help you stand out to your potential customer better and you’ll be on your way to selling more and stressing less. Curious how I can help you? I’d love to invite you to a FREE  30 minute 1:1 Getting to Know You Strategy Session. Email me today and let’s chat about how design can get your business where you want it to be and see if working together makes sense!