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Every New Year’s Eve people all over the globe write resolutions for their life or their business. Usually, by March these resolutions have been long forgotten or deemed unreachable. So, here for you, is a great way to write a resolution you actually have a chance to complete.  After all, “resolution” is just another name for a goal! I know it’s March, but dust off those New Year’s Resolutions from January and give this technique a try!


Select a goal that answers a problem in your life. For example: I want to feel healthier, or I want new clients.


Make a reasonable timeline to complete your goal. If you want to feel healthier you might want a whole year to complete it. If you want new clients name a reasonable number of new accounts such as 3 new accounts per month or every quarter.


Act on your goal by breaking it down into manageable pieces—mini goals!  Feeling healthier won’t happen overnight, but taking small actions, such as finding a form of exercise you can stick to or taking a favored healthy snack (such as apples, or walnuts) to work will help get you on the right track with out too much shock. Same goes for wanting new clients, clean up your product pitch, or learn a new sales technique at a business seminar.


Review your progress! Depending on your timeline, choose a reasonable amount of time, such as a week or a month, to assess your progress. Know that this is a long -term goal. If you made progress on one of your mini goals then you are making progress! If you “fell off the wagon” it is okay. Figure on what didn’t work and why and then try again with a new and improved technique.


Take time to reward your progress. Remembered to pack healthy snacks for a whole month? Give your self a pat on the back and an encouraging word and keep going! Another trick decided to get a massage or sleep in one day if you reached a mini goal or maybe three mini goals!

Now go tackle The rest of your year in style! Think how shocked everyone will be come next December when you accomplished your New Year’s Resolution!!