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One of the best possible ways to market a business offline is a rack card. Traditionally they were seen in locations that have a lot of foot traffic such as hotels and convenience stores. The name comes from how they were displayed on a tiered rack.

A rack card is a piece of cardstock that is about 4 inches x 9 inches (sometimes they are a little smaller). These cards are printed on two sides and contain information about a particular business, event, or offer on them. They look like a skinny two-sided flyer or a skinny vertical postcard.

I love rack cards because they can advertise anything. I feel like they are a great middle-ground between an information-heavy brochure and an image-centric flyer. They are also extremely versatile. You can put anything on them:

Need more text than a postcard or flyer can hold – use a rack card.

Not sure how you’d fill up a tri-fold brochure, but want to showcase images – use a rack card.

Need something portable and durable but doesn’t take up too much room on a table or in your bag – use a rack card.

Need a cost-effective mix of information, photos, and coupons – use a rack card.

They are perfect for the traditional information racks, but they are also amazing for tables at trade shows or networking events. They can be carried in a bag or briefcase and left behind at pitch meetings with potential clients or investors or given to the gatekeepers in hopes of securing a pitch meeting. That’s why I say rack cards are support items because they support your brochure, website, or landing page offline.

The next time you need something less than a tri-fold brochure, but more than a postcard or flyer consider using the versatile underrated marketing material – the rack card!

Tired of your businesses branding feeling like a “hot mess” and ready to for it to feel more like a “heck yes”?  It may be time to invest in your business’ branding to help you get more leads.  If that feels like you then let’s chat!

You would be joining my Purple Rose Graphics family filled with dozens of small businesses who have had their marketing materials and logos help them get leads and grow their business either through my done for you design service or my design consulting service. My clients gain confidence because they know the visual content they are sharing looks good and are consistent with who they want their business to be. Confidence like that attracts more ideal clients which means more money coming in and less stress…

If you are really ready to invest in your business and have support in creating stand-out marketing materials that your potential customer will notice and be on your way to selling more and stressing less, then I’d love to invite you to a FREE  30 minute 1:1 Getting to Know You Strategy Session full of tips tailored for your business tips to help you now. I only schedule these via email, so if you want one, email me today! Let’s chat about how branding and design can get your business where you want it to be! Talk to you soon!