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In Defense of Business Cards

I have piles of business cards all over my office. I get new ones at every meeting I attend. When I hand someone my business card, I often hear “I don’t bother with business cards” which is followed by an admission that they prefer to use technology to collect information. I understand, I do. You have a lot of them, you don’t want to organize them, they get lost and you figure “Why bother.” Here are three reasons, why you should bother to use a business card.

They have a great return on investment

Business cards are one of the most affordable marketing items to have created and printed for you. Be prepared to spend at least $190 for well-designed business cards on good paper. Bonus points if your card is colorful and memorable. They’re a great conversation starter and a relationship building tool because they help people get to know you and your business quickly. Plus, people expect you have one and you appear more professional to others when you have a business card. It’s important to have them on you at all times because you never know when an opportunity is going to present itself. Every 2,000 business cards you give out has the potential to raise sales by at least 2.5%. That’s a lot of business for a small investment.

They talk for you when you aren’t there

You can leave them on a card rack, a table or with a friend or colleague and trust they will be your best salesman. They convey what you do in an easy to share format and they are your first impression when you can’t personally be there. They are great at helping you get a referral too! There is nothing more flattering for business people than getting that referral. A business card is an easy low-tech way for anyone you know to give your information out and have their friend or family member contact you!

They’re reliable

Business cards need very little upkeep and once you have a great one created for you with accurate information they will last and last. As a graphic designer, I would love for you to redesign your business cards every 5 to 10 years as your business grows, changes and rebrands. The reality is that not all business owners will do that and many will keep the same business card for the entire life of their business. I’d rather a business have an older styled business card than no card at all.

I hope these three short reasons will give you pause the next time you aren’t sure whether or not you need a business card. They’re your trusty side-kick in business and won’t let you down even when the wi-fi and cell service does! What are you waiting for grab your trusty business cards and go make a great first impression!

If you’re struggling with creating a great business card and want a professional to do it for you, contact me. I’m always happy to help your marketing materials look good so you can sell more!