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Logos Blog

Branding Investment Essentials

When you are investing in your brand, you are investing in putting the strategy together, but you’re also going to need to invest in each piece of the brand. Today, let’s chat about why investing in your logo is important. A lot of business owners tend to spend a...

Understanding Licensing Basics

I had a cool talk with my creative friend about something called licensing. Licensing is getting permission to use something, like a font or artwork, but you have to follow certain rules. Let me explain with an example. Imagine going to different theme parks. Each...

Logo Myths Exposed!

There’s so much conflicting advice on the internet and a lot of myths about logos. Today, let’s have a brief chat about the purpose of a logo as I debunk three common myths about logo design. The biggest myth about logos is that they are your brand, which is untrue....

Your Business Needs More Than Just a Visual Identity

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. A logo isn’t magic. It’s not going to make people feel warm and fuzzy about a business just by having one, nor will it make them buy anything. It might get you noticed, but that’s about the extent of it. Business owners need...

More Than A Sketch: The Truth About Logo Design

The other day I was out networking when someone said to me “I tried to do my logo myself and realized it was a lot more than just sketching something cool.”  I just nodded because this is not the first time, I’ve heard it. The reality is creating a logo is a lot more...

Revealing the Secrets Behind My Logo Design Inspiration

You would not believe how often I get asked some form of “So where does your inspiration come from for logos?” while I’m out networking and chatting with people. Since it’s been coming up so much, I thought I’d chat today about where my inspiration for designs comes...

Unveiling the Secrets of Rebranding!

I was talking about rebranding the other day with a friend. The company their employer just went through the process and they told me they had no idea how involved it was. They thought it was just changing the logo and maybe a few colors. To illustrate rebranding,...

Unlocking the Power of Logos: A Designer’s Perspective!

I hesitated in posting this on social media a while back, but it’s stuff I know people think even if they won’t say it to me. Turns out, it got a pretty good response there, and since I don’t know if you’re connected to my social media or not…I thought you might want...

Decoding Logo Trends: Crafting a Lasting Business Image

Let’s talk trends. I’ve designed a lot of logos over the years. One of the things I do to stay on top of my industry is to follow logo designs from major Fortune 500 companies. They show me what trends are waking up and which ones are tired. Here’s what I know. If...

Refresh vs. Rebrand: Unlocking the True Essence of Branding!

a visual refresh is what most companies seem to do when they say they are branding or rebranding. The structure of the business stays the same, and the audience stays the same, but the external visuals such as brochures, websites, logos, uniforms, and storefronts...

Clearing Up the Color Confusion

The other day I saw this statistic from Small Business Trends that 80% of consumers think color is a big part of brand recognition. This statistic didn’t exactly alarm me as it makes sense. Today, I want to briefly discuss where some of the confusion about branding...

printing and design terms to help you sound like a pro

Every industry has jargon. Jargon is specific words used among members of a certain industry that are hard for others outside that industry to understand. Today I’ll share three terms that will help you communicate better with printers. Substrate: The material you are...

3 more design myths — broken!

I’ve written about design myths in the past, but like any industry, there are always more myths to uncover! Here are three more really common ones for us to examine. Myth: budgets don’t matter Fact: yes, they do. Budgets matter a lot. They matter for two reasons you...

The Top 5 Font Personalities and Why They Matter for your Business

I’ve shared a lot about fonts over the years. Everything from how we got the name (it’s French) to how to choose them, but there’s one thing I’ve rarely talked about and that’s how fonts affect your business and your visual branding. It’s true. Every font has its own...

One of the Top Things to do to Get Your Design Noticed!

What separates an okay design from a good one…well a lot of things actually. Today we’re going to talk about one in particular – Eye Flow. Eye Flow has nothing to do with anything that might send someone to see an eye doctor. It’s actually about how the eye moves...