by Patrice Sorokin | Nov 29, 2021 | Advertising
Every business I know needs to market their business. Some do this very well and others not so much. It seems like there are new marketing techniques that pop up every day. They all really boil down to two main types of marketing, Transactional and Relational. These...
by Patrice Sorokin | Nov 15, 2021 | Branding Basics
When we talk about branding, we are talking about your business’s reputation. Your reputation is built from the sum total of everything your business does, what it shares with the public, and how it looks. All of these things create a perception of who the...
by Patrice Sorokin | Nov 8, 2021 | General Business
When it comes to working for yourself, I see two camps. The hustle until you drop camp that glorifies working hundreds of hours a week and the manifestation camp that on the first pass seems to believe they can think their way to wealth. I got curious about which one...
by Patrice Sorokin | Nov 1, 2021 | Branding Basics, General Business, Logos & Marketing Materials
Every industry has those myths that they can’t seem to shake. Where these myths come from, no one really knows for sure. The design industry is no different! It’s got its fair share of myths. Today I’m going to examine and bust 3 myths in the design industry!...
by Patrice Sorokin | Oct 18, 2021 | Advertising, General Business
If you’ve been around me for any length of time, you’ll have heard me tell you graphic design is not pretty pictures and it’s about communications and sales. Today, I’d like to dive deeper into that a little bit and chat about why it’s a communications and sales tool....