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Yes! Your Brand Colors Matter!

I saw this statistic from Venngage the other day that said, “When buying a product, 93% of buyers focus on brand color” It got me thinking about why this is. Let’s explore brand colors! Part of the reason humans focus on color so much is that it’s easy to...

Does Content Really Matter?

I love trivia and interesting bits of information. One of these comes from the Content Marketing Institute. They claim that articles that are shorter than 3,000 words actually are rated third among business-to-business content materials that create the best results in...

Should You Reuse Old Content?

I saw a statistic from HubSpot the other day, it said that 51% of companies believe updating old content has proven the most efficient tactic they have implemented. Now when they say “content” what they are referring to most of the time is written text....