It’s a big thing and something that is easier to lose than it is to gain or change. I’m of course talking about branding and it really matters, here’s why.
Branding is the reputation of a business. Now what defines a good reputation is up to the industry and what type of customers the business is trying to attract.
It’s the beliefs and opinions of the public about who or what the company is and how desirable they are to work with.
This is why it’s so important to have a good one. It helps the public decide how desirable the company is to work with. They will look at everything they see, hear and know about the business to decide if they like what they see and are worth a try or not.
Having a good reputation gains a business better reviews which lead to more customers and ultimately a fatter bottom line in the form of increased sales.
By the way, if you loved this tip and you want tips customized to your business, Grab your FREE 30 minute 1:1 Getting to Know You Strategy Session. Each session is full of tips tailored for your business to help you now. I do a very limited number of these sessions each month and these can only be scheduled through email or my link, so if you want one, contact me today! Let’s chat about how branding and design can get your business where you want it to be! Talk to you soon!